Sunday the lectionary for
thousands of Christian churches of many different denominations in America
contained an Old Testament reading from the book of Leviticus, a book of laws
of the ancient Hebrews that governed them between the exodus from Egypt and the
founding of a nation in what is now Israel and Palestine, over 3000 years ago.
Our reading was edited to
focus on those passages that dovetailed with Jesus’ words in Matthew 5 about
going the extra mile, turning the other cheek, and loving your neighbor.
The 19th chapter
of Leviticus actually covers a dizzying array of issues. It reiterates some frequent prescriptions
(keep the Sabbath holy, honor your father and mother) and prohibitions (no
worshiping idols, do not steal or bear false witness, as well as do not wear
garments made of two materials or cut one’s beard). It offers some interesting redresses, too. For instance, if a man has intercourse with a
woman who is the slave of another man, they should NOT be put to death. She receives no punishment, because she was
not free. His punishment is to provide a
ram for a sacrifice of penitence. Most
of this is far more reasonable than the most punitive of the Old Testament laws
that often get cited by modern progressives to point out the inconsistencies of
those who use the Bible for modern political purposes.
It also offers this, which I
need to keep in mind: “You shall not be
partial to the poor or defer to the great: with justice you shall judge your
neighbor.” I don’t think that “the
great” in our society need as much benefit of the doubt as the poor, but I do
strive to be fair.
But there was also this: “When you reap the harvest of your land, you
shall not reap to the very edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your
harvest. 10You
shall not strip your vineyard bare, or gather the fallen grapes of your
vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the alien: I am the Lord your God.”
This appears to be a call to
direct charity, over and above the commands elsewhere to “tithe” ten percent of
their income in grain, oil, and livestock.
Since in ancient Israel the church and the state were effectively the same
thing, the tithe was really much more of an income tax than a gift to charity.
We get into dangerous territory
here, since today almost everyone pays more than 10% in taxes – in sales,
excise, state, and social security taxes, even if not in federal income
tax. But I’ve never heard anyone – even (or
especially) my socially- and fiscally-conservative friends -- use that as an
excuse to not give at all to charity
or church.
I have heard modern tax rates used as a reason why the 3000-year-old 10%
tithe is an unrealistic goal for church budgeting purposes. And, given that the average American gives 2%
to charity, and a third of that to church, I don’t think 10% is realistic,
either. That’s not to say it’s not a
worthy individual goal.
Meanwhile, how about
this: “you shall not keep for yourself
the wages of a laborer until morning.”
Whoa! Wouldn’t that complicate
the lives of our payroll departments! I
wonder of the State of Indiana is still holding the first day’s pay of a new
employee for four and a half weeks
before they get their first paycheck?
And, “When an alien resides
with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. 34The
alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall
love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your
Well, there’s a whole ‘nuther
blog there …
I wrote this not because it
is a major epiphany for me, but just because I’m trying to get into the habit
of responding to and documenting what I learn every week. The big lesson here is the extent to which
themes of social justice in Judeo-Christian tradition predate the New Testament
– and certainly our own modern politics.
Just can’t help throwing in a
couple of additional wise-guy remarks.
I can’t find any place in the
Bible where it talks about tithing 10% of one’s income from labor, but only 5%
of one’s income from investing.
I did find a reference in
Exodus 27:32 concerning giving a tenth of one’s livestock. It’s pretty easy to measure out a tenth of
one’s grain no matter how little there is, but what happens when one has an odd
number of sheep or cattle? The instruction
was to let them pass through a gate at their own random pace, and set aside
every tenth one for the Lord. So, it would seem, someone with only 17 sheep
would only have to tithe one. And
someone with fewer than ten cows would get the equivalent of a standard
deduction in today’s terms, and not pay a tithe on cattle.
I wonder how many ancient
Hebrews had fewer than 10 head of cattle.
Perhaps 47%?